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Gen-Z Talent Blueprint : Strategies for Attraction and Retention

Oleh More Consulting X Bantu Magang

1 Desember 2023
Rp 100.000
Zoom Meeting


Join MORE Consulting's Gen-Z Talent Blueprint Workshop!

Are you an HR professional eager to understand and engage the Gen-Z workforce? MORE Consulting invites you to an insightful online workshop on December 1, 2023, from 8:30 AM to 10:45 AM WIB.

📆 Date: Friday, 1 Dec 2023
⏰ Time: 8:30 AM - 10:45 AM WIB
💡 Insights: Gen-Z Workplace Trends

🔥 Early Bird (Until Nov 5): Rp. 50,000
🚀 Regular Registration: Rp. 100,000

✅ Gen-Z tendencies, attitudes, and preferences in the workplace.
✅ Success stories from a company that mastered Gen-Z talent acquisition.
✅ Direct Q&A session with Gen-Z representatives.

📌 Register:
📞 Questions? WhatsApp Jessica at +62 811 1801 282.

Unleash the power of Gen-Z talent! 🚀 #GenZWorkshop #HRIndonesia #TalentAcquisition

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